Monday, August 02, 2004

I have a Blog?

Eh hehe, yea I sorta forgot about this. After I sorta got instructed to do my internship, I'm up here in San Fran working at my uncle's company. I've somewhat dropped BFE, at least anything significant. I'm gonna be up here till end of Aug. in which I'll help cleaning up the apartment before the Apt. people take it back for about a week. Then go up for about a week or two to finish up whatever I doing a the time.

At about that time, my cousin will be comming down and joining me as a UCI undergrad. What a summers its been.

Sorry to phil, since I could go to Comic Con this year due to poor planning. The first time I've missed it in...2 years.

Count me brain dead.


At 11:41 PM, Blogger Phillip said...

Brain dead and apparently tired. Well, there's always next year.


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